• Lima Office
    Av. Dos de Mayo 1321
    San Isidro, Lima 27 - Perú
    (511) 208 - 3000
  • Cajamarca Office
    Jr. Santa Ana N° 129
    Cajamarca - Perú
    (+51) 993 513 317
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Founding Partners

Alfonso Rubio Arena - Founding Partner (1915 – 2017)

Our most representative Founding Partner, and main promoter of the creation of our Firm, had an extensive professional career during his 101 years of life. In our Firm he was a consultant for the Tax and Corporate Areas.

Our beloved Dr. Rubio went on to occupy high positions of broad responsibility and impact at the national level. For example, he was responsible for the modernization of the Peruvian Tax Code. He also constituted, together with ten other tax lawyers, the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law – IPDT, of which he was President between 1968-1970; and the Peruvian Group of the International Fiscal Association -IFA, which promotes the study and promotion of international comparative law with respect to public finances. In addition, he was a member of the Superior Council of Contributions (1950-1960); Attorney General of the General Directorate of Contributions (today National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration – SUNAT); and member of the Superior Council of Contributions (predecessor of the current Tax Court). Likewise, he was advisor in tax and corporate matters for important national and foreign companies, mainly related to the mining industry.

He received his law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1943).

Alfonso Rubio Feijóo - Founding Partner (1946 – 1998)

Son of Dr. Alfonso Rubio Arena and Founding Partner of the Firm, he was a specialist in Mining, Industrial and Tax Law. He participated in the work that the Congress carried out in relation to the General Corporations Law, the Securities Market Law, and the Securities Law. In addition, he was director of Compañía Minera Caridad S.A. and Alternate Director of Compañía Minera Chavín S.A.

He received his law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú with the thesis «El Derecho de la Expropiación en la Legislación Minera Peruana» “The Law of Expropriation in Peruvian Mining Legislation” (1975), with which he obtained the first prize in the Concurso de Tesis Universitarias sobre Derecho Minero, organized by the Instituto Nacional de Derecho de Minería, Petróleo y Energía (National Institute of Mining, Oil and Energy Law). He also obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Lima with the thesis ““El Transporte de Carga en Contenedores y su Aplicación al Perú” – » Containerized Freight Transportation and its Application to Perú». (1967). He became a member of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law.

Enrique Normand Sparks - Founding Partner (1934 – 2003)

Our Founding Partner was a specialist in Commercial and Tax Law. In our Firm, he was a member of the Corporate Areas – where he worked in Banking and Finance, Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Foreign Investment, Securities Market, Telecommunications, International Transactions-; Mining, Oil and Gas.

Enrique was president of the Commission in charge of preparing the draft of the General Corporations Law, which even came to be known as the «Normand Commission». This Law was approved in its entirety by the Congress of the Republic in 1997, and nowadays we have one of the most modern corporate legislations in the world.

He became Vice-President of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (1970-1972); Vice-President of the National Institute of Mining, Oil and Energy Law (1979-1981) and member of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation. In addition, he was arbitrator of the Peruvian Center for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, and of the Peruvian-American Chamber of Commerce.

He was a member of the Peruvian Academy of Law; of the Lima Bar Association; and of the Callao Bar Association. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of Ferreyros, Minera Quellaveco and Telefónica del Perú.

He was a Senior Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, where he taught the Commercial Law course at the Law School and Corporate Law at the Master in Business Law. In addition, he gave conferences and published articles on Commercial and Banking Law, and a university manual called «Commercial Law».

Joaquín Leguía Gálvez - Founding Partner (1931 – 2006)

Son of President Augusto B. Leguía and Founding Partner of our firm, he worked in the Labor and Civil Litigation areas. 

He was appointed Minister of Labor and Social Promotion in the second government of Fernando Belaúnde Terry. His first task was to solve the problems of the mining workers. He also made an effort to reorganize and condense the labor legislation.

He was director of Laboratorios Indufarma S.A. and Norwich Pharmacal Co. S.A. Peru Branch.

Víctor Ferro - Founding Partner (1953)

Our Founding Partner is Band 1 in Chambers & Partners for more than 10 consecutive years and Leading Lawyer by Legal 500. He is a Partner in the Labor, Social Security, Immigration and Aeronautics areas, and has more than 40 years of professional experience.

He has worked as an advisor in important commissions in charge of the elaboration of legal norms of labor nature. Thus, he has been a member of the Consultative Commission in charge of the reform of labor legislation in Peru and the Committee of Experts appointed by the Labor Commission of the Congress of the Republic for the elaboration of the Draft Bill of the General Labor Law. He has also been a governmental technical delegate to the 83rd Conference of the International Labor Organization in Geneva.

He is the author of numerous articles published in magazines and specialized publications on labor law, is the author of the book «Derecho Individual del Trabajo» (“Individual Labor Law”) and constantly participates as a speaker in various national and international congresses on labor matters.

He is also a member of the Peruvian Association of Human Resources, the Latin American Institute of Labor and Social Security Law (Former President), and the Peruvian Society of Labor and Social Security Law (Former President on two occasions).

In the academic field, he is a Senior Professor of Labor Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and has been a visiting professor at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. He received his law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in 1976.

He has been awarded the «Orden del Trabajo» (“the Order of Labor») for his contribution to the development of Labor Law in Peru. The Order of Labor is awarded by the President of the Republic and the Minister of Labor.